The foundation STAIRS school football league

STAIRS School Football League (SSFL), is the newest and so far the largest initiative by STAIRS Started in 2014, the programme has created a platform to identify football talent at an early adolescent age and then provide him the best possible support to nurture the talent further. So far the project has made a difference to about 2,048 children, and in its second phase it aims not only to double the reach but also to add more value to each life it touches. This initiative is created to make sure that each and every child gets to play as playing is a fundamental right of each child. SSFL is open to every school going child in India absolutely free. Lastly it’s a platform to bring all kinds of schools be it public or government run schools to come on one single platform and promote a very positive sporting atmosphere. SSFL will also enable the students to develop skills like teamwork and good sportsmanship. Engaging in football will also improve the overall health, stamina and agility of the students. The league will have an exciting website, with match analysis of all games, including match videos. The players can log in and check the match and league statistics which will be updated regularly. Other information like the league’s top goal scorer, etc will be updated.


  • Change the sporting scenario in the country at the grassroots
  • Create opportunity by uprooting all obstacles to sporting talent in the hinterlands
  • Find and nurture future champions


  • Identify the child’s interest
  • Create an atmosphere of belief – build ‘will do’ attitude
  • Nurture, train and prepare
  • Opportunity to showcase the talent
  • Let the mentors take over


  • Grassroots sports India
  • Football development in India
  • Indian football league
  • Grassroots football training india
  • Grassroots football
  • Football league in India
  • Grassroots football India
  • Grassroots football training
  • Grassroots football India
  • Indian football league
  • Grassroots football training india

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